As a long term travel writer, backpacker (read: whackpacker) and dig it all nomad, I love the idea of travelling the world and living a life of freedom. There is so much information online these days that it can be hard to find the best resources. Even for those based in China, the world’s most populated country the resource list seems endless.
As a digital marketer, I know that landing pages are vital for creating great first impressions and generating leads for each marketing campaign, Backpacking in China included of course. So there needs to be an emphasis on design and psychology plays a big part in this. Sites like Campaign Monitor are excellent for reading up on such methods. By simply creating a landing page which intrigues, attracts and keeps viewers on your page is already a big head start in your business.
To put things into perspective, understanding landing page psychology can be the difference in winning a customer or viewer or losing the prospect forever. Here are some simple tips to get you started.
Use a Simple Logo
To capture visitors’ attention immediately and keep them engaged on your page, a logo can help to start with. Brand recognition is huge and it works its way into those little grey brain cells. So think wisely and remember that people remember logos. With backpacking in China, images of travelling through China was also used for effect on the website’s header, to accompany the logo.
Make Text Understandable
Some people put too much emphasis on using long words as if they are trying to impress. This isn’t like reading a thesaurus or a dictionary. Basically just make the text understandable and the reader will normally stay longer on the page and have an idea how things work. Text with a good story about travelling on the Silk Road in China for example.
Include Social Media Links
One thing that people will notice straight away is that if your page or business has any social media pages. These days it seems outrageous to have a successful online business without social media. So make sure you promote and show your social media on every page. Include icons from Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. Include links to those sites, encourage engagement, attract new followers and have sharing buttons via plug-ins.
Use Engaging Photos
Readers like photos and real life moments that are personal and shared by the website’s author and editorial team. So add photos that will entice and engage the reader. Use real photos that you took or were in, and share them on your social media pages too. Simple tricks like this can help readers stay on the page and become more familiar with the way the business works. A good example of this is the Culture Trip Poland homepage with plenty of photos to entice you to read the article.

These are just a few cool psychological tips and tricks you can use on your website. For more cool ideas, My Emma provide a good service for marketing products and businesses so get in touch with them and watch your ratings and popularity soar.